Parliamentary Diplomacy

Parliamentary Diplomacy

Cameroon Members of Parliament met with some French Legislators on the sidelines of the official visit of the French President to Cameroon

The Cameroon National Assembly and the Senate were heavily involved in the official visit to Cameroon of Mr. Emmanuel Macron, the President of France. The Parliament of Cameroon took part in the visit through the Cameroon – France Parliamentary Friendship Groups and the Parliamentary network for the Disapora, Decentralized and cross border cooperation (Rep-Cod).

The Mps on both sides met on Tuesday 26 July 2022 at the Yaounde Conference Center on the sidelines of the French President’s visit. The Mps discussed on a variety of issues that ranged on training of Parliamentary staff, financing of some major projects in the National Assembly, easing of visa issuance to Members of Parliament and the role of France to assist Cameroonians resident in France to return home and invest.

The French Parliamentary delegation to the meeting was composed of one senator and three Members of the French National Assembly. Get full details of this meeting in the audios, videos and pictures attached to this publication.

By Ekema Emmanuel Likine, Celcor

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